Monday, June 9, 2008

What's with the Muffin Top?

FYI: Muffin's are for eating!! It is becoming far too normal to see women, and sometimes men sporting this unsightly look.
A "muffin top" generally occurs when an individuals waistband is far too low and far too tight. As a result of this their stomach and/or "love handles" spill over the sides.

As you can see....It's not the best of looks. So, Please if you find yourself to be guilty of rockin' "muffin top" please refer to the following tips:

*Change your Clothes!!! (the obvious choice)

* Attempt to cover up with a loose fitting top until you can get some pants that fit.

*Visit Stacy and Clinton for an Intervention.

when you're finished reading this, hurry and go get rid of all of your clothes that give you "muffin top". It's not a good look for anyone!!



Daniel Smith said...

What u talkin bout bish! Muffin tops are mad sexy! Men want something they can grab on to. You're just hatin cause you ain't got one!

Go eat a donut!!!

Anonymous said...

gross! muffin tops are not cute. unless you are a fan of "skin spillage"

Anonymous said...

"skin spillage" now that is something I have not heard...

Anonymous said...

its also called "dunlaps disease".... because your stomach "done lapped" your jeans! gross...