I just finished watching yesterdays Top Chef episode that i DVR'd ......I might cry! Everyone's favorite chef, (if you know anything) Antonia was eliminated. She was by far the most talented chef on the show of the season.
I am too upset about it to elaborate!! but i will. I got hooked on this show because my best friend
is OBSESSED with it. "top chef this, top chef that" so naturally i had to see what all the buzz was about. So i DVR'd all the episodes and got caught up. Only to find my favorite contestant, Antonia was eliminated. In Wednesday's episode the final four contestants came together in Puerto Rico where they each had to take a 40 pound pig, butcher it then use it to make traditional Puerto Rican dishes for a cocktail party attended by local chefs and VIP's.

Okay, okay i can admit Antonia's dishes were not the best. But, she has been the best chef through the entire competition and she did not deserve to go home. Do restaurants close down because they had one bad night or one dish that's not the best?? No. they close down if the had one bad year!
Needless to say i am a little disappointed in the outcome, but i will stick with Top Chef until its conclusion. it should be interesting to see what happens next.
Top Chef is on Bravo TV, Wednesdays @ 10pm EST. Watch It!!!
y favorite chef Antonia was kicked off, I understand that she was more of a fan favorite than a Top Chef. I am however excited that my girl Stephanie is still in the game, she defines precision and execution in food. All is not lost. What is actually kind of interesting about the show is the chefs get better and better, so this season's Top Chef winner could literally run circles around previous Top Chef winners. Making food is hard and it is so precise, a half of pinch of salt or not enough sugar can severly hinder a dish, the people that we ae watching have to have that same mind frame while standing in front of cameras and food critics whose palates are not that of your average person.
Ya! Antonia is awesome! i hope that Lisa chick packs her knives tonight! One can only wish!
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