Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cowgirl Chic

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
If the boot fits....
With winter in swing it's time to break out the boots!!!
Boots are probably one of my favorite things to wear. They are so versatile. They can be worn under pants or jeans, with jeans tucked into them (my favorite), or even with a sweater dress.

A classy tip: If you sign up for email newsletters from Aldo, they will give you a coupon for 10% off your first purchase. you can sign up by clicking here.
REMEMBER: you get what you pay for. Don’t go the cheap route when it comes to boots.
You don’t have to spend a fortune but keep in mind that you only wear them a few months out of the year. So a good pair (or two) can last you a few years at least.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Faux-Pas comes full circle.
Once considered an extreme FAUX- PAS is now a thing of the past. Can you guess what I’m talking about?
I'm talking about wearing brown and black together in the same outfit. Most of us would have rather died than wear these two together. But now, I am here to tell you that it not only acceptable, but it actually looks good. I'm not sure where the idea that the two colors didn't match came from but I’m glad that we as fashonista's have finally wised up and can embrace this look with open arms.
You will be seeing it all over this season, from people walking on the streets or in shopping centers, high end catalogues, to the chicest boutiques.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Heidi, it's not Halloween yet!!
Heidi, One question..... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?
The Hills star was spotted wearing this disaster earlier this week.
Maybe Spencer has started brainwashing her to the point where he is telling her how to dress.
What ever the reason for this nightmare, it's not a good one.
I hope that Heidi never wears something like this again or I might have to put her in my fashion "black book" filed under repeat offender.
Consider this a warning Montag!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Picnic Time!!!!
What is this???? UGLY as HELL that's what!! When I came across this disaster and was for once, speechless. For one thing, this D&G dress is one of the most hideous things I have ever seen. Two, what happened to Jessica Simpson? I never thought I would say this, but Kelly Osborne looks better than her. WOW!!! Jessica, you have let your new found country lifestyle go just a tad too far. You’re supposed to eat on the picnic blanket, not turn it into a dress!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Slob's in the City
Maybe I missed the memo, but I doubt it.
When did it become socially acceptable to dress like a slob? I recently read an article in TBT, in which a journalist was going to Publix for a late evening snack when she saw something that made her "tremble in fear". There were a number of people there dressed in items that one should never leave the house in. She saw, four pairs of pajama pants, three “muscle” tees, a halter dress exposing a dingy bra, a scrunchie, and too many dirty flip-flops to count.
Similarly, I have noticed this at school. Why do people think it is okay to wear pajama pants, slippers, ripped shirts, basketball shorts with dirty “wife beater” tank tops to school (or anywhere for that matter) ? Yesterday, I counted 4 people in just one class doing this. Did I go up to them and say, "What are you doing? Are you nuts? Don’t you know how awful that looks"? NO. I didn’t, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.
You may notice people committing this fashion felony while traveling. They can be spotted in airports around the world.
You don't have to sacrifice your dignity for so-called comfort.
So, I say to all the pajama clad publix shoppers, students and travelers; Keep the PJ's in the house and no one gets hurt!
Friday, August 22, 2008
purple power
Purple IS this season's hottest color!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Big Bucks for Big Towel
In the market for a new beach towel? If you are you may want to think about taking out a second mortgage to scoop up this one.
Looks like you ordinary beach towel right? WRONG! It's a Hermes beach towel.... It's made from, you guessed it, 100% cotton. WOW! I guess in Hermes language that translates to: woven from gold thread and diamond dust. (note: it doesn't. it translates into, Lets rip off consumers by telling them its a designer product, so they have to have it)
The average beach towel can cost anywhere from $10 to $20 depending on size and quality.
I guess if I ever feel like spending $459 on a beach towel one day, then I will definitely have to buy this one.

You can pick up this little COTTON bag for $930!!!
This day at the beach is getting to be quite expensive.
Lets take a moment to add this up:
Towel- $459
Beach Bag- $930
TOTAL: $1389.00
*(remember: That is for one towel. I don't know about you but I take at least 3 with me every time i go to the beach)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
No!!!!! Not Again
NO NO NO...... This is becoming ludicrous! 2 times in one week I see this sock stuffed in a "shoot" business.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hollywood Blvd. meets Rodeo Drive
When looking at this, you may be thinking that this is a new trend for strippers. quite the opposite. This is the latest from designer Marc Jacobs....
Monday, August 4, 2008
Checker boards are for playing checkers.... hence the name!!
Who wants checkers all over their pants? This girl does, THAT's WHO!!I was shopping at International Plaza this past Sunday, when something suddenly caught my eye. No, it was not a fabulous bag or a cute outfit.... It was a girl wearing the most awful hideous pants I have ever seen. Not to mention they are "skinny" and she has chosen to pair them with not one, but two metallic belts. YUCK!
Someone must have missed the memo that this is not by any stretch of the imagination attractive. She would have been better off wearing a huge sign that says, "Hi I am a victim of extremely bad taste, and I have absolutely no fashion sense." That would have saved my eyes from experiencing a tremendous amount of pain.
But, I am actually glad that she wore it because it gave me a change to educate others on yet another Fashion Felony
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
WARNING: wrong bra causes damage
i recently wrote about how 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. i just came across this article and wanted to share it.
Ladies, listen up.
Researchers from the University of Portsmouth in Hampshire, England found that wearing the wrong “support system” could lead to fragile ligaments in the breasts becoming irreparably stretched, the Daily Mail reported.
They found up to 95 percent of women are at risk — mostly because they are ignorant or embarrassed about their true bra size, according to the report.
Researched concluded this after they gave 100 women a treadmill test.
During the past three years, the team studied about 50 bra designs. What they found was that with most bras women’s breasts move up and down, in and out and from side to side, shifting an average of 8.26 inches, during exercise.
The problem is that most bras are designed to limit just vertical movement, the Mail reported.
"Many women have strong preferences for certain styles of bra and won't buy anything else,” Wendy Hedger, a researcher told the Mail. "In sports bras, for example, many women won't buy a bra that resembles their everyday bra — they think if it can't be pulled over their heads like a crop top, then it's not a real sports bra.”
This is not true, Hedger said.
“Many sports bras do up at the back in the same way as a traditional bra and do a very good job of supporting women.”
The bottom-line, choose a bra that is going to support your breasts whether you’re walking down the street or running on a treadmill, researchers said.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Chief of (fashion) Police
We've all seen it...... these "wanna be" gangster guys "housing" their pants almost around their ankles. not cute! anyway, the Chief of Police in Flint, Michigan has had enough!
He has ordered that anyone who is wearing sagging pants with an un-tucked shirt, be searched.
The ACLU's Michigan chapter says that Flint Police are stopping people and pulling up their shirts to see if their pants are too low. the Police Chief claims that it is indecent exposure and a violation of the city's disorderly conduct ordnance, which gives police cause to search the person for drugs or weapons.
This trend is spreading nationwide amongst law makers. most cities implementing this law are handing out fines up to $500, while others are assigning community service.
I only wish we could give out fines for fashion felonies..... maybe then some people would think twice when choosing what to wear.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
you have got to be kidding me!!!!
Talk about saturating the market. In the beginning the Christian Audigier brand was unique, and considered by some to be a "status" symbol.
Now, it is EVERYWHERE!!- Even being made into "knock knocks" (fakes). I remember a product like this not a few years back that did the same thing.
Unless you were living under a rock- you have seen this bag. The Louis Vuitton Multicolor.

If you so desire, go out and buy this Ed Hardy bag priced at $290. But I would not recommend it. Unless you are a fan of being the person who everyone looks at while you’re carrying it and thinks, what an idiot! That person spent almost $300 on a bag that makes them look like a complete moron.
Mark my words: this may be popular now, but give it 6 months and then tell me if you will ever carry this again. Unless, you are using it as a tote to carry all of your Ed Hardy items to the local thrift store.
Monday, July 14, 2008
WOW!!! This guy seriously went to his closet, picked out this wretched outfit, put it on, and went out of his house believing that he looked good!!! That is a scary thought!
For the record: Stripes and plaid DO NOT MATCH!
I came across this DISASTER at a local bar which I attend occasionally for Friday happy hour. Now, I wonder what was going through his head. Was it "man, I look good!, the ladies will be all over me tonight!" or was it "it's Friday and who cares what I wear" either way it is absolutely UN acceptable.
I wont continue to dissect this horrendous excuse for an outfit any further, but readers, please be advised that this is a fashion don’t. If you are caught wearing something like this or even close (and I am lucky enough to have a camera in arm’s reach) there is a good chance that there will be a post about you.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
High Heels- A true love / hate relationship
Okay, I like so many other women i know absolutely love their high heels! I love mine!!!! i literally own 50 pairs. Some say i must have been born in them.
They are a true sacrifice for a lot woman. more often that not i get approached while wearing a pair of "killer" shoes and hear "gosh, don't those hurt to walk in?" or "I would die if i walked in those" my answer is ALWAYS, NO WAY, they feel great to me! but i have a secret. i have adopted several tricks to make them a lot more comfortable.
I have found these little inserts at ALDO. they are made of terrycloth, with a little padding under them. the best part is that they have non slip bottoms, so when i were them i don't have to worry about them sliding around in my favorite 4 (sometimes 5) inchers! (they cost about $5, and are definitely worth it) I have at least 10 pairs of them. Did i mention they are machine washable? a major PLUS!!!)
Dr. Scholles makes something like this too....but they do not work as well.
Monday, July 7, 2008
85%...... WOW that's A LOT!
Did you Know: 85% of women are in the wrong size bra?
Neither did I. I had always heard this and thought that it must be everyone else and not me.
I was wrong. I happened to be shopping at Nordstrom this weekend (surprise surprise) when a friend and I decided to get fitted for bra's. I'm not sure why we did, but I sure am glad. As it turns out I have been in the wrong size bra for quite a while now.
I have been fitted at Victoria's Secret before, but come to find out they are the ones who have been putting me in the wrong size. Now don't get me wrong VS bra's are great, but their associate's just don't know how to "size you up" like Nordstrom does.
"Almost every woman is guilty of wearing a bra that is too large in bandwidth and too small in the cup" says Oprah on her show "O's Bra Intervention". On which she had renound bra fitting expert Susan Nethero, owner of the Intimacy Boutique's in Atlanta, New York and Chicago. Susan is said to have fitted, and adjusted the bras of more than 100,000 women.
Some might think that bras at a store like Nordstrom would be much more expensive than say Victoria's Secret. Quite the contrary. The average price of a VS bra goes anywhere from $38 to $52! Bra's at Nordstrom start at around $28 and can go up into the $90 range.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
"Just Say No" to Beer Bikini's!

Guys, don't think you're exempt from these rules. Girls don't think it makes you look hot when you wear beer or any other alcohol related board shorts. It makes you look like a tool!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Crime of Fashion
Here are 6 visual examples of a trend that needs to go away immediately!
Gladiator sandals, not only make you look like, well a gladiator, but they also make you look like you have absolutely no clue in the world!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i think she might be tanorexic
What's with all the Orange this week? Anne Hathaway is sporting the creamsicle look too!
We all know the saying, "All things are good in moderation". I guess Anne Hathaway missed the memo! She's TANOREXIC!
Monday, June 23, 2008
you look like a giant creamsicle

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
jail house tat's = chic? since when?
Since when was it cool to wear shirts with "fake" tattoo sleeves?
I'm sorry but this is as "poser" as you get.
Christian Audigier is the designer of the popular Ed Hardy brand. He along with "Don Ed Hardy" also known as "the Godfather of Tattoo's" created this line of shirts with tattoo sleeves sewn in.
it poses the question of.... when was it considered "posh" or "chic" to have tattoo's all over your arms? especially for females. ummmm hold on..NEVER!
Audigier has several brands under his name including the extremely short lived "Von Dutch". remember the trucker hats that sold for over $60 each.
Don't get me wrong, i like Ed Hardy and own a few pieces, but i just don't like that no matter where i go i see it. Since it's debut in 2004, it has become saturated in almost every boutique or up-scale department store.
It's almost like it's not unique anymore. When everyone has something, it's not as desirable as it would be if no one had it. it's all about the demand for the product and all of the hype surrounding it.
The cost for pretending you have tattoo sleeves and looking like a jack ass. $92.00
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summer Swim Guide
With so many choices out there it can be really tough.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
If the loafer fits.....don't wear it
I was just thinking about a time when i saw someone wearing loafers with white tube socks (EWWWW, i know). anyway, when i saw this i was so disturbed that i couldn't get the words out to describe it. some women have such a problem when it comes to wearing cute shoes. they always seem to have a reason as to why they cant wear them. some common excuses are that "cute" heels are uncomfortable or the ever annoying one that "the heels are too high"
listen ladies, those excuses do not give you the right to wear your loafers with the chunky heel from 1999 with white tube socks!!! seriously? should i even have to tell you that?
there is no way to be fabulous in bad shoes (it's just a simple fact of life). these stiletto's would be a far better choice to pair with jeans. if you think these might be hard to walk in.... you're right. but, only at first. everyone who wears these had to learn to walk in them. (you had to learn to drive a car didn't you?)if you are looking for a cute pair, you can find some great comfortable heels at ALDO (i am a huge fan). it's a great store with just about any style shoe you could want, and another plus is that the prices are not bad.
Friday, June 13, 2008
What a CROC!!!
I know what you're probably thinking....The answer is No! This is not a new line of shoes for home depot employees. This person actually put these on by his own free will.
Yes, crocs might be cute for toddlers but not for grown men or women for that matter. I see this situation far too often, someone is trying to look "cute" by wearing the same shoes or clothes as children. Where does this logic come from? Is it cute to wear character underwear, bonne bell glitter lip gloss, or socks with ruffles around the top? I don’t think so!
Stop wearing these at once. Please do me a favor and save us all from getting that feeling when you are embarrassed for someone else.
If you're over the age of 6 there are some things you just shouldn't do, and wearing crocs is one of them.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Fashion Faceoff
News Flash!! Denise!!
you're not pregnant!!
show off your "Bond Girl" body and quit covering it up with this TENT! it gives the idea that you might have a "muffin top" under there. ( i think you and tori are wearing the same size)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
for the love, please get rid of those things!!!
"...if the look you are searching for is that of a overweight midget – then go put on a pair of skinny jeans!!" - Anonymous