As if it weren't already enough, Ed Hardy has made the decision to come out with a line of handbags.
Talk about saturating the market. In the beginning the Christian Audigier brand was unique, and considered by some to be a "status" symbol.
Now, it is EVERYWHERE!!- Even being made into "knock knocks" (fakes). I remember a product like this not a few years back that did the same thing.
Unless you were living under a rock- you have seen this bag. The Louis Vuitton Multicolor.
Talk about saturating the market. In the beginning the Christian Audigier brand was unique, and considered by some to be a "status" symbol.
Now, it is EVERYWHERE!!- Even being made into "knock knocks" (fakes). I remember a product like this not a few years back that did the same thing.
Unless you were living under a rock- you have seen this bag. The Louis Vuitton Multicolor.

When it was first released, you would only see Celebrities carrying it. Then it was showing up on every "Jane" who decided that sporting a "knock knock" was better than nothing. I completely disagree.
If you so desire, go out and buy this Ed Hardy bag priced at $290. But I would not recommend it. Unless you are a fan of being the person who everyone looks at while you’re carrying it and thinks, what an idiot! That person spent almost $300 on a bag that makes them look like a complete moron.
Mark my words: this may be popular now, but give it 6 months and then tell me if you will ever carry this again. Unless, you are using it as a tote to carry all of your Ed Hardy items to the local thrift store.
If you so desire, go out and buy this Ed Hardy bag priced at $290. But I would not recommend it. Unless you are a fan of being the person who everyone looks at while you’re carrying it and thinks, what an idiot! That person spent almost $300 on a bag that makes them look like a complete moron.
Mark my words: this may be popular now, but give it 6 months and then tell me if you will ever carry this again. Unless, you are using it as a tote to carry all of your Ed Hardy items to the local thrift store.
1 comment:
Eww thanks for making me sick with those hideous bags! I think Ed Hardy is already not cool, actually it never was! Again if you have ANYTHING Ed Hardy you are a tool! Why? Cause you spent $100+ on something cause you thought it would make you fit in. Actually, anyone that buys something as a status symbol whether it be a purse, bag, shirt jeans, spectacles, testicles, wallet, or watch has some serious image and self esteem issues if they have to make themselves feel accepted, special and cool by the stuff that they buy. I will never buy something cause I want to fit in and look cool. If it ends up what I buy is what's in then so be it but that will not be why I buy it.
Also if you come up to me and say "Do you like my jeans? They cost $300!!" as if that's going to impress me and make you seem cooler or more important you are seriously mistaken, it actually makes you a shallow tool!
Urban Dictionary defines tool as
Someone who is easily manipulated by others, because they substitute the judgment and/or approval of others for their own. The others can be admired friends, strangers or potential mates whose approval the tool seeks. Alternately, the tool will allow public figures, advertising, or other mass media to replace or form their own opinions on any number of subjects -- most evident in fashion and music choices (often fads or heavily marketed products of suspect quality or style).
For the record that Louis Vuitton pattern is ugly, very ugly! I hate it! That design is hideous so are all the other designs that look similar. I don't follow purse fashion and I don't need to cause I know fugly when I see it and LV is fugly!! A question for all you ladies that think LV is awesome. Would you buy that same patterned bag if instead of saying LV on it it said "Sears Essentials" or had "Target" symbols all over it? I guarantee you you wouldn't why? Cause what you care about is that "status" that LV brings with it which is accompanied by a highly inflated price. I will never EVER buy something ugly cause it's expensive and carries a supposed "high status". I will however -if I have the money of course- buy something expensive that sufficiently fills a need I have and looks good at the same time. I also won't buy something that looks cool but sucks ass at doing it's designed task.
Moral: Don't buy stuff cause you think it will make you look cool cause it doesn't it makes you look like a tool.
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