Once considered an extreme FAUX- PAS is now a thing of the past. Can you guess what I’m talking about?
I'm talking about wearing brown and black together in the same outfit. Most of us would have rather died than wear these two together. But now, I am here to tell you that it not only acceptable, but it actually looks good. I'm not sure where the idea that the two colors didn't match came from but I’m glad that we as fashonista's have finally wised up and can embrace this look with open arms.
You will be seeing it all over this season, from people walking on the streets or in shopping centers, high end catalogues, to the chicest boutiques.
Now, there still are a few rules that go along with this.
(1) If you are wearing a belt, the belt must match your shoes. For instance, brown belt, brown shoes and vis-versa.
(2) Keep it simple. Don’t go around wearing all different shades of brown with your black. It will make you look like a patchwork quilt and that's not the look we are going for here.
Wear your brown and black together! You will look and feel FABULOUS!

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