Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Just Say No" to Beer Bikini's!

ATTENTION: If you are thinking about wearing any type of "beer bikini" this weekend for 4th of July DON'T!
Nothing says "Hi, I’m white trash, what’s your name?" more than this.
I will be on the lookout for fashion felonies all weekend. I will have my camera in tow so beware!!
Also, I shouldn’t have to tell you this but I will.
American flag ones are not okay either.

Guys, don't think you're exempt from these rules. Girls don't think it makes you look hot when you wear beer or any other alcohol related board shorts. It makes you look like a tool!


Daniel Smith said...

Aww man really! :( I can't wear my PBR board shorts! It's got a big blue ribbon on my left butt cheek! Man I had to save up 800 Pabst Smear points to get that and you only get 1 point for each beer! So yes I had to drink 800 cans of PBR for those shorts! I can't wear them, REALLY!

What about Joe Camel shorts I got some of those too, can I wear those, PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Haha Milani dont act like you never wore a bikini like this! You had a budweiser one!!! Granted, it was in 7th grade, but still...

Milani Michelini said...

okay twin... i don't think so. who's my "twin" anyway?

Daniel Smith said...

don't lie! I could totally see you being a rebel in 7th grade with one of those Budweiser one pieces like this!

Is that you shay shay?

Anonymous said...

i can definitely find a picture of you in a budweiser bikini, just give me time to find it. Your "twin" would be your "Hi, we're identical twins" friend.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would wear the corona one