Purple IS this season's hottest color!!!!

fashion and fabulousity!
Purple IS this season's hottest color!!!!
In the market for a new beach towel? If you are you may want to think about taking out a second mortgage to scoop up this one.
Looks like you ordinary beach towel right? WRONG! It's a Hermes beach towel.... It's made from, you guessed it, 100% cotton. WOW! I guess in Hermes language that translates to: woven from gold thread and diamond dust. (note: it doesn't. it translates into, Lets rip off consumers by telling them its a designer product, so they have to have it)
The average beach towel can cost anywhere from $10 to $20 depending on size and quality.
I guess if I ever feel like spending $459 on a beach towel one day, then I will definitely have to buy this one.
NO NO NO...... This is becoming ludicrous! 2 times in one week I see this sock stuffed in a "shoot" business.
When looking at this, you may be thinking that this is a new trend for strippers. quite the opposite. This is the latest from designer Marc Jacobs....
Who wants checkers all over their pants? This girl does, THAT's WHO!!I was shopping at International Plaza this past Sunday, when something suddenly caught my eye. No, it was not a fabulous bag or a cute outfit.... It was a girl wearing the most awful hideous pants I have ever seen. Not to mention they are "skinny" and she has chosen to pair them with not one, but two metallic belts. YUCK!
Someone must have missed the memo that this is not by any stretch of the imagination attractive. She would have been better off wearing a huge sign that says, "Hi I am a victim of extremely bad taste, and I have absolutely no fashion sense." That would have saved my eyes from experiencing a tremendous amount of pain.
But, I am actually glad that she wore it because it gave me a change to educate others on yet another Fashion Felony