Monday, July 14, 2008


WOW!!! This guy seriously went to his closet, picked out this wretched outfit, put it on, and went out of his house believing that he looked good!!! That is a scary thought!

For the record: Stripes and plaid DO NOT MATCH!

I came across this DISASTER at a local bar which I attend occasionally for Friday happy hour. Now, I wonder what was going through his head. Was it "man, I look good!, the ladies will be all over me tonight!" or was it "it's Friday and who cares what I wear" either way it is absolutely UN acceptable.

I wont continue to dissect this horrendous excuse for an outfit any further, but readers, please be advised that this is a fashion don’t. If you are caught wearing something like this or even close (and I am lucky enough to have a camera in arm’s reach) there is a good chance that there will be a post about you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know Milani, I think the shoes he's wearing really set off the outfit. The guys a true stud in my book...(side note, these are the people you hear about in the news that end up dead on the side of the road for no apparent reason. Just sayin.)